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GDIAC Downloads: Squeak and Swipe

Squeak and Swipe

Sounds Gouda
Andrew Wolfers
Alan Cheng
Brian Bodel
Mengqiao Li
Nupur Bhatt
Sicen Hou

A forlorn and hungry community of rats have a hankering for havarti (and parmesan and gouda). Conveniently, the Warehouse Tower is practically littered with an overflowing cheese stock, and it is the personal mission of Squeak the rat to collect all of it. In order to guide Squeak on this quest, the player will need to be clever; the warehouse attics are an enigma where the architecture can alter in unexpected ways. The player must also be precise, lest Squeak inadvertently fall victim to the many dangers that lurk in the tower, such as fat cats and rolling balls of yarn. With careful planning, and a moderate amount of trial and error, the player can lead Squeak through every level of the tower, collect all of the cheese, and ensure the continued survival of Squeak’s colony. Can you climb to the top?

Genre: Puzzle Course: CS 4152
Platform: Android & iOS Engine: Cocos2D-X
Rating: Ages 9+ Submitted: May. 2016 Download
Popularity: 4.0 out of 5 Last Tested: May. 2016




Winner: Judge's Award for Most Innovative Game (Showcase 2016, Mobile Division).
Download is an APK for Android only.

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